Monday, April 27, 2015

Only True Mission

     Life is so good. It's the bomb. I'm finally really getting into the groove of things, and the days blend together like Bob Ross's paint pallet. (I'm no poet). I don't have a lot of time unfortunately, so fast updates :)
     Things are going so well for me, and the Lord is blessing me in ways I know I don't deserve. The key is to try and humble ourselves, only those with a broken heart and a contrite spirit can inherit all that the Father has. It's hard, but I pray for this humility, I truly just want to be a tool in His hands. The patterns established in our lives are so important.
     Church on Sunday was as awesome as always. The Kress's are progressing in leaps and bounds since their miraculous experience at church last week. They might as well be members already. They're getting baptized on May 9th!!! Holy cow, so excited for them. The evident light and happiness that has entered their lives already is incredible. The gospel changes weak people into strengthened children of God. We went to teach them and invite them to be baptized, and before we could even say it he was like," So can you open up that font for me next weekend?" Haha its so awesome, they're going to be great. The gospel blesses families!
     Last night I heard a huge crash in the middle of the night and my bed shook. My brain went into tornado emergency mode, but it was just my companion laying on the ground moaning hahaha. He groans and says, "Duuuude, my legs don't work!" I asked him what was wrong and he said something like, "I don't know, but I can't walk". I was a little concerned, I asked if his legs were asleep and he didn't really respond, he crawled over to his bed and hoisted himself up to a standing position as if it took all his strength. He hobbled like an old man trying to stay upright all the way to the bathroom. When he came back out, he walked totally normal and just got in bed like nothing happened. This morning I asked him what the heck was wrong with his legs last night, and he had no idea what I was talking about hahaha. He must've been totally asleep the whole time. I'm guessing his legs were asleep somehow and he just hit the floor under their weight, unaware of what was happening in his sleepy state of mind. So funny!
      This week has been great though, we did a lot of service for people. We put in a flower bed for a potential investigator who lost her husband and has a 13 year old downsyndrome daughter. She is super nice and really appreciated the work we did for her. Hopefully some great lessons come out of it, the gospel will give her everything she needs. I'll include a picture. We also were involved in an awesome community organized service project called Owasso Cares. Tons of churches volunteered to clean up parts of the city, we trimmed trees and picked up trash on one corner. We filled like 4 big truckloads of pine boughs that we trimmed off. It was a cool thing to see the community do, and it was a nice day to work outside!
      The work is progressing well. We had a mini last minute zone conference on Thursday, which was super sweet. PRESIDENT SHUMWAY IS THE MAN. Love him so much. He's the greatest president on the planet. The spirit taught us so much about our purpose as missionaries, it was a reminder I already needed. We've taught some game changing lessons this week, and set a baptismal date with another sweet lady who is so kind and spirited. Unfortunately her husband is not interested. But we pray she can keep progressing toward her date.
      Ok well I have no more time. Wish I did, there's a lifetime of experiences in a single week. I love the growth I can find in myself already, can't wait to keep moving forward. Love ya'll.
Elder Hakes

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